Page 113 - 2022-ingilizce-Yillik-Rapor-baski-son
P. 113


                 Among complaints submitted during this period, applications against violations
                 of rights in penitentiary institutions and other closed institutions, petitions and
                 information, elections, citizenship, travel, assembly and demonstration rights, freedom
                 of thought, conscience and belief, and violations of prohibitive laws against torture and
                 ill-treatment have priority.

                 A large number of applications are also lodged by detainees on different issues such
                 as education, health  , transfer , visitations, communication, conditional release  ,
                 probation, room change due to religious beliefs  and transferring to open institutions.
                 In terms of these applications, Referral Decisions are issued to the Ministry of Justice or
                 the Directorate General of Prisons and Detention Houses as the highest administrative
                 authority. It is  aimed  that  the victimization  related  to the  issue  is resolved by  the
                 administration via conducting on-site examination and research if necessary. In urgent
                 applications, in accordance with the legislative provision in the law of the Ombudsman
                 Institution, examination is conducted without the requirement of application to the
                 Administration. The allegations of assault or violations of the right to life and health,
                 where there is a concrete incident, are examples of this. In this case, the camera records
                 and doctor’s reports are examined by correspondence from time to time. Particularly,
                 in applications where there is no consensus on the substantiality of the allegations
                 based on the documents, information is shared with the Commission Presidencies to
                 which Prison Monitoring Board are affiliated in order to have information about the
                 allegations regarding the relevant penitentiary institution, as well as the Human Rights
                 and Equality Institution of Türkiye, which conducts on-site inspections as a national
                 preventive mechanism, and the Human Rights Investigation Commission of the Grand
                 National  Assembly  of  Türkiye  (GNAT).  In  line  with  the  recommendations  of  the
                 Ombudsman Institution, a general study is carried out by the relevant administration
                 not only for the applicant but also for everyone in the same position.
                 7.13  WOMEN’S RIGHTS

                 In accordance with the provision of Article 7 of Law No. 6328, which stipulates that
                 the Chief Ombudsman shall arrange division of labor among ombudsmen, with one
                 of the ombudsmen being assigned to deal with women and child rights issues, special
                 importance is attached in the Law to the fields of women and children.

                 In the department of the Ombudsman Institution, which is responsible for women’s
                 and children’s rights, the practices of the administrations are monitored and evaluated
                 through the channel of complaint mechanism in line with the legislation in this field,

                 17    Referral Decision dated 01.07.2022 regarding the application numbered 2022/8565
                 18    Referral Decision dated 08.04.2022 given on the application no 2022/4961
                 19    Amicable Settlement Decision dated 11.02.2022 on application numbered 2021/17703
                 20    Referral Decision dated 25/04/2022 with the Complaint No. 2022/5250

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