Page 118 - 2022-ingilizce-Yillik-Rapor-baski-son
P. 118


               7.14  PUBLIC PERSONNEL REGIME

               By analyzing the public personnel system in Türkiye, it can be seen that in line with
               historical developments, the public personnel system in Türkiye has been established in
               the fields of administrative, academic, military and judicial personnel, and each field was
               regulated by separate legal texts. Administrative personnel work in accordance with the
               Civil Servants Law No. 657, academic personnel with the Higher Education Personnel
               Law No. 2914, judges and prosecutors with the Law on Judges and Prosecutors No.
               2802, and military personnel with the Turkish Armed Forces Personnel Law No. 926.

               In that manner, within the scope of the Directive on the Division of Work of the
               Ombudsmen, complaint  applications received by the Ombudsman Institution in
               the field of Public Personnel Regime (with the exception of Turkish Armed Forces
               personnel and employees working in the status of workers in the administration) are
               grouped under the following headings:
                  •  Recruitment of personnel (problems due to not being appointed as a public
                     servant, quota restrictions)

                  •  Appointment, transfer, assignment and relocation
                  •  Duties, responsibilities, general rights and prohibitions

                  •  Progress and promotion
                  •  Evaluation of personnel

                  •  Financial rights, social rights and benefits
                  •  Disciplinary penalties and termination of employment

                  •  Contracted and temporary personnel issues
                  •  Personnel within the scope of privatization

                  •  Personnel cadre and/or positions
                  •  Exams for recruitment of public personnel (written and oral examinations held
                     by the institutions regarding the recruitment of personnel)

                  •  Complaints about the attitudes and behaviors of public personnel (including
                     mobbing and ill-treatment)
               The  aforementioned  applications  are  examined  and evaluated  with  reference  to
               the Constitution of Türkiye, Civil Servants Law No. 657 and other laws, relevant
               regulations, judicial decisions and Turkish Constitutional Court decisions.

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