Page 110 - 2022-ingilizce-Yillik-Rapor-baski-son
P. 110


               CASE SUMMARY

               In an application regarding objection to billing for natural gas, it was stated that there
               was no invoice for 2 months, the meter was changed after the notification made by the
               applicant, an invoicing of 1,069 TL was made, the first and last reading date of the last
               paid invoice and the date of the current invoice did not match, and necessary action
               was requested to be taken. In the examination, it was seen that the procedures and
               principles of issuing comparison invoices are clearly regulated in the relevant legislation
               that the average of the natural gas usage amounts coinciding with the same quarters of
               the last two years should be taken as a basis. The application also demonstrated that the
               calculation was made based on the consumption of two and three years ago, contrary to
               the legislation by the relevant administration. A Recommendation Decision was issued
               with the conclusion that the refusal of the relevant administration was unlawful. 14
                      SOCIAL SERVICES

               Under this heading, applications are examined regarding the disputes between
               administration and the  vulnerable groups, persons with disabilities and their relatives,
               the elderly, and relatives of martyrs and veterans. In 2022, requests for social assistance
               were at the forefront of the applications lodged to the Ombudsman Institution under
               the title of social services and rights of the persons with disabilities and the elderly.
               CASE SUMMARY

               An application lodged to the Ombudsman Institution, was from someone who was
               paralyzed due to a traffic accident he had. He was granted a home care pension since
               the disability medical board report stated that he was 90% permanently and severely
               disabled and entitled to home care. Then he applied to another hospital for disability
               retirement. The hospital issued a new report, which was sent to the district insurance
               directorate, and he was granted disability retirement. However, the disability status in
               this new health report was mistakenly written as zero (0) in this report. When data
               entry was sent to the National Disability Data Bank as of 2022, the home care pension,
               which he earned rightfully, was cut off because the report with wrong entrance was used
               incorrectly instead of the first report of 90%. He applied to the mentioned hospital on
               the subject. However, after the health board department of the hospital said that they
               could not correct the situation, he applied to the district health directorate, but the
               directorate stated that the issue was not related to them. The directorate added that he
               could not continue to receive the home care pension without correcting the error in
               the disability rate, and requested that the necessary action be taken, and the relevant

               14   2021/12680 numaralı başvuru hakkında verilen 20.01.2022 tarihli Tavsiye Kararı

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