Page 22 - 2021-Yillik-Rapor-Ingilizce
P. 22


                 2.2 Ombudsman Mr. Yahya AKMAN

                 We left one more year behind under the pandemic conditions. The negative effects
                 of the pandemic on both societies and individuals are tried to be eliminated, to some
                 extent, in our country as well as in the world, through vaccination activities. In this
                 framework, it can be said that with the vaccination and domestic vaccine production
                 studies that started in our country in 2021, the pessimistic picture created by the
                 pandemic left its place to a more optimistic picture.

                 In this first year of our second term, we endeavoured to carry out our works with great
                 care for the protection and advancement of law and human rights. We focused on each
                 application in depth and tried to resolve the legal disputes between the administration
                 and the citizens as soon as possible. In addition, we continued the activities aimed
                 at raising recognition and awareness without slowing down by complying with the
                 COVID-19 measures.

                 Considering the applications concerning my field of duty, the number of applications
                 received from detainees or convicts housed in penal institutions draws attention,
                 as in previous years. Particularly, our Institution received a lot of transfer requests;
                 applications on prison conditions, attitudes and behaviours of prison administration
                 and staff, and problems experienced in open or closed visits; probation requests;

              18 2021 ANNUAL REPORT
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