Page 69 - 2022-ingilizce-Yillik-Rapor-baski-son
P. 69


                                                                      Number of   Percentage
                  Social services
                                                                     Applications   %
                  Applications within the scope of the social assistance and solidarity   179  70,20%
                  incentive fund
                  Social services and assistance for martyrs' relatives and veterans  24  9,41%
                  Social services and assistance for the elderly            18       7,06%
                  Services for the elderly in need of protection, care and assistance  9  3,53%
                  Ensuring social justice                                    2       0,78%
                  Disability and old-age pensions are granted according to the
                  Law No. 2022, dated 01.07.1976, on Pensions for Turkish    1       0,39%
                  Citizens Over 65, Destitute, Weak and Lonely
                  Other matters related to social services                  22       8,63%
                  Total                                                    255

                  Transportation, Press and Communication             Number of   Percentage
                                                                     Applications   %
                  Consumer rights and problems related to the subject      184      50,83%
                  Electronic communication and IT services                  73      20,17%
                  Dangerous goods and combined transportation by roads, rail-  21    5,80%
                  ways, seaways and inland waterways
                  Maritime trade, shipyards and coastal structures          10       2,76%
                  Telecommunication facilities (base stations etc.)          5       1,38%
                  Domestic and foreign press and media organs                5       1,38%
                  Media service providers                                    3       0,83%
                  National, local and thematic publications                  1       0,28%
                  Aerospace industry and space technologies                  1       0,28%
                  Other matters related to transportation, press and communica-  59  16,30%
                  Total                                                    362

                 The method of settlement of disputes by means of reconciliation, which provides a
                 more effective and faster resolution of the complaint application, is one of the most
                 frequently applied methods by the Ombudsman Institution. In line with this method,
                 184 files in 2013, 123 files in 2014, 161 files in 2015, and 80 files in 2016 were
                 resolved through the reconciliation method.

                 As it is known, with the amendment published in the Official Gazette dated 02.03.2017
                 and numbered 29995 in the "Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Regarding

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