Page 168 - 2022-ingilizce-Yillik-Rapor-baski-son
P. 168


                  The Visit of the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Committee of the Parliamentary
                  Assembly of the Council of Europe to the Ombudsman Institution (June 6)
                                           On 6 June 2022, Ms. Zita Gurmai, Rapporteur of the
                                            Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)
                                            Equality  and  Anti-Discrimination  Committee,  and  the
                                            accompanying  delegation  visited  the  Ombudsman
                                            Institution.  The  delegation  was  received  by  Chief
                                            Ombudsman Mr. Şeref Malkoç, Ombudsman Ms. Fatma
                                            Benli Yalçın and Ombudsman Ms. C. Özlem Tunçak.

                  Visit of the President of German Bundestag Committee on Human Rights to
                  the Ombudsman Institution (June 13)
                                            On  13  June    2022,  President  of  the  German
                                            Bundestag  Committee  on  Human  Rights  and
                                            Member  of  Parliament  Ms.  Renata  Alt  visited  the
                                            Chief Ombudsman Mr. Şeref Malkoç.

                  Visit of the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women to the Ombudsman
                  Institution (July 18)

                                            On  18  July  2022,  UN  Special  Rapporteur  on
                                            Violence against Women Ms. Reem Alsalem, and her
                                            delegation  met  with  Chief  Ombudsman  Mr.  Şeref
                                            Malkoç,  Ombudsman  Ms.  C.  Özlem  Tunçak  and
                                            Ombudsman Mr. Sadettin Kalkan.

                  Farewell Visit of the Head of the Council of Europe Ankara Program Office
                  (July 19)

                                             On  19  July  2022,  the  Head  of  the  Council  of
                                             Europe Ankara Program Office, Mr. Cristian Urse,
                                             paid a farewell visit to the Chief Ombudsman Mr.
                                             Şeref Malkoç.

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