Page 156 - 2022-ingilizce-Yillik-Rapor-baski-son
P. 156


               •  On 31 October - 4 November 2022,  under the chairmanship of Ombudsman Mr.
                  Arif Dülger, Experts Mr. Fatih Ardoğan, Mr. Samet Çağrı Güler and Expert Ms.
                  Hülya Keskinler went to Prague, the Czech Republic. As part of the working visit,
                  the delegation held meetings at the Václav Klaus' Institute, a think tank chaired by
                  the former President of Czech Republic Mr. Václav Klaus. The delegation visited
                  the  Turkish  Embassy  in  Prague  and  met  with  Ambassador  Mr.  Egemen  Bağış.
                  Interviews were held with officials of the Office of the Public Defender of Rights
                  (Ombudsman) of the Czech Republic, the Czech Government Council for Gender
                  Equality,  the  Czech  Government  Council  for  Non-Governmental  Non-Profit
                  Organizations and the Czech Government Council for National Minorities.

                                             •  On  20-26  November  2022,  Experts  Mr.  Hasan
                                             Kahye, Ms. Şule İnce and Ms. Hülya Yıldız went to
                                             Austria  and  Hungary  for  a  study  visit  under  the
                                             chairmanship  of  Ombudsman  Mr.  Yahya  Akman.
                                             The  delegation  visited  Türkiye's  Ambassador  to
                                             Vienna  Mr.  Ozan  Ceyhun,  UN  Permanent
                                             Representative  of  Türkiye  in  Vienna  Ambassador
                                             Mr.  Levent  Eler  as  part  of  the  working  visit,  and
                                             made  contacts  at  the  the  Office  of  the  Austrian
                  Ombudsman Board, the International Center for Migration Policy Development,
                  the  European  Union  Agency  for  Fundamental  Rights,  and  the  Organization  for
                  Security and Co-operation in Europe.

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