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               for neediness and other conditions in the legislation are met, claims relevant to public
               services conducted by social assistance and solidarity foundations across the country.
               Furthermore, the subjects of the applications in this field have also been the following:
               objections to the percentages in the medical board reports, problems suffered during
               the access to public services, problems of diabetic patients, failure to benefit from the
               right to education, right to travel free of charge, right to have a companion, access to
               the services provided under home care services, problems suffered by the persons with
               disabilities in need of protection, care and help, problems of martyr’s relatives and
               veterans, discrimination against the persons with disabilities, problems relating to the
               social assistance provided by the public institutions and municipalities and behaviours
               and attitudes of the officials towards the persons with disabilities.

               Case Summaries

               About the Request for Social Assistance by The Applicant Prisoner on Remand
               The applicant stated that he or she was being kept as prisoner on remand in T Type
               Penal Institution No.3 in Tarsus for a year, that the applicant’s spouse and 3 children
               (8 years old, 5 years old and 7 months old) lived in a rented house in Gaziantep with
               no income; therefore, the spouse often was not able to pay the house rent and even buy
               diapers for their child, and also the applicant’s being in prison caused an additional
               burden; for this reason, the applicant claimed that although he or she applied to
               Provincial Directorate of Family, Labour and Social Services in Gaziantep many times,
               his or her request for assistance was not accepted, and requested that assistance be
               provided to his or her family to eliminate the unjust treatment.

               The  Directorate  of  Social  Assistance  and  Solidarity  Foundation  of  Governorate  of
               Gaziantep was contacted regarding the complaint; in this regard, in the response
               letter by the said Directorate of Foundation dated 21/07/2020, it was stated that
               the necessary examination was made about the applicant, that the applicant’s family
               received coal aid, cash assistance, electricity consumption support and assistance under
               Economic Stability Shield Package, as well as conditional cash transfer for education
               for one child and conditional cash transfer for health for another child; for this reason,
               Amicable Settlement Decision was issued on the application.
               About the Applications on Requests for Pandemic Social Assistance Payment

               As it is known, the new type of coronavirus pandemic has adversely affected our country
               in many ways, as in the whole world and in this difficult period, it has been announced
               to the public that assistance will be provided to families in need within the scope of the
               Economic Stability Shield Package, which was first announced on 18/03/2020 in order
               to reduce the socio-economic effects of the pandemic on our citizens.

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