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                 the services provided in the field of education, youth and sports”. The majority of the
                 complaint applications in the field of the above-mentioned sub-headings are as follows:

                 The security measures taken by Exam Authorities such as Student Selection and
                 Placement Centre (OSYM), Ministry of National Education, and Open Education
                 Faculty; fee for application to the examination of OSYM and problems occurring
                 regarding the online payment system of the relative fee; implementation of the system
                 of “losing a quarter point for each incorrect answer (keeping random guessing from
                 increasing the score) in mid-term, final and make-up examinations and the system of
                 retaking 3 failed courses conducted by the Open Education Faculties of the Universities;
                 objections to the examination to become certified public accountants conducted by the
                 Union of Chambers of Certified Public Accountants of Türkiye; the objections to the
                 declaration of the exams as null and void and results of the exams conducted by OSYM.

                 Applications on transactions, acts and actions concerning students mainly concentrate
                 on lateral/vertical transfers and failed transfer of courses as a result thereof; summer
                 school and make-up examination, loss of KYK  scholarship, change of the scholarship
                 into a credit, reimbursement procedures of scholarships/credits

                 Case Summary
                 About the Request for  The Problems Encountered in Adding the Highest
                 Ranked Student Information which is Taken into Account in the Preferences for
                 Examination for Higher Education Institutions of the Students Who Graduated as
                 the Highest Ranked Student to the e-School System

                 In the applications lodged to our Institution by the highest ranking students in
                 their school, the applicants stated that they completed their education in secondary
                 education institutions with the highest ranking in 2019, that upon seeing that their
                 highest  ranking  student  information  was  not  included  in  the  system  of  ÖSYM
                 (Measuring, Selection and Placement Center), they called the school administration
                 and they were told that there was no problem, but when the preference results of
                 Examination for Higher Education Institutions were announced, they could not be
                 placed in any of their preferences; for this reason, they were treated unjustly because
                 their highest ranking student information was not entered into the system, and they
                 filed an application to our Institution.
                 As a result of the examination made by our Institution, seeing that the failure
                 to benefit from the quota for the highest-ranking students in the preferences for
                 Examination for Higher Education Institutions in 2019 due to the fact that the highest
                 ranking student information of the applicants was not registered to the e-school system
                 on time was not in accordance with the law and equity, Recommendation was issued to
                 the relevant administrations to eliminate the unjust treatment.

                 1  The scholarship of the General Directorate of Credit and Dormitories Agency

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