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activities have continued for the access to society, which are an important component
of the Ombudsman Institution’s Strategy on the Rights of the Child developed in
cooperation with UNICEF in order to adopt a child-friendly approach in examining
applications filed by children.
In this context, even though face-to-face studies have been paused due to the pandemic
period, online training programs have been organized for children and the young.
Furthermore, in the training programs, the Ombudsman Institution was introduced to
children and the young, they were informed about the child applications, the children’s
website of the Ombudsman Institution, the process of filing a complaint, the decisions
of the Ombudsman Institution, and they were encouraged to apply to the mechanisms
to seek their legal remedies. The training program was carried out by the Ombudsman
Institution’s Children’s Unit Experts and UNICEF Consultants who examine the
applications in the field of children’s rights.
In this way, it is aimed to raise awareness in different parts of the society about the
activities of the Ombudsman Institution by ensuring the participation of children and
the young in activities regarding access to society and to enable children and the young
to transfer their gains from the training program both in the educational setting and in
the activities, they take part in their social environment.
One of the outputs of the study which spread throughout this process, is the preparation
of the “Ombudsman Institution with Questions - Guide for Children and the Young”,
and children and the young have been allowed to contribute directly to the guide. In
addition to this guide, manuals containing peer education for different age groups
including 11-14 years old, 15-18 years old and over 18 years old have been prepared.
In the pandemic conditions, as of September 2020, the “Training Program to
Strengthen the Ombudsman Institution’s Communication and Relations with Children
and the Young” has been adapted and implemented as online training. The first online
training was delivered to the children members of the Child Advisory Board operating
under the coordination of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services, on
26 -27 September 2020. The training was conducted by the UNICEF Consultants
with the coordination of Ombudsman Institution experts and the participation of the
Ministry representatives.
Applications in the field of education, youth and sports were mostly about the following
sub-headings: “Exams and related practices; transactions, acts and actions concerning
students; matters regarding higher education services, problems of teachers relating to
education & training; works for the disadvantaged youth; other matters relating to