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injections 3 times before meals, antu injection every evening before going to bed and
injections in his or her hip made by his or her mother, and that he or she had Special
Needs Report for Children due to his or her disease, that the application, which he or
she filed to the relevant administration to be able to benefit from home care service
because his or her family’s financial situation was insufficient, was rejected on the
grounds that “they could meet his or her own needs”; for this reason, he or she filed an
application to our Institution on 21/02/2020 and “Referral Decision” was issued upon
the application; however, he or she stated that no action was taken in the meantime and
requested that he or she benefit from home care payment.
As a result of the evaluation made by our Institution, it was decided to issue a
Recommendation to the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services to fulfill the
necessary administrative procedures in order for the child applicant with type-1 diabetes
who was determined to be “severely disabled” to benefit from the home care service
About the Request for Children’s Rights to Protection, Care and Assistance
The child applicant stated that he or she had been heavily bullied by his or her brother,
that he or she and his or her parents had run out of ways to do something about this
issue, that he did not know what to do, and requested that his or her problem be
The Institution decided to issue Referral Decision to the Ministry of Family, Labour and
Social Services to take the necessary action for detailed social examination on the child
applicant and his or her family by professional experts without wasting time, case study
and monitoring within the framework of security and privacy in terms of including
and protecting the child in the process with the least harm, identification of the risks
related to the current conditions of the child in the examination to be conducted,
determination of the factors preventing the physical, mental and social development
of the child and proposed solutions, immediate evaluation of whether any protective
and supportive measures were required in accordance with the Child Protection Law
No.5395, and eliminating the child’s concerns in the application process by taking into
account the request of the child applicant.
Activities for the Implementation of the “Strategy on the Rights of the Child”
Developed by the Ombudsman Institution
Joint activities in the field of children’s rights, carried out in cooperation with the
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), continued in 2020 by extending the
duration of the work plan signed in 2019.
Within the scope of studies conducted to protect and improve children’s rights,