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               In the examination made by our Institution, it was stated that the applicant’s class
               C occupational health and safety certificate was confiscated with the decision of the
               commission established in accordance with Article 9 of Law No.7081, that a criminal
               case was filed against the applicant and that a security measure was imposed on him
               or  her; consequently, it  was determined  that the  decision  taken was  in  accordance
               with the procedure and the law. In this respect, it was observed that the applicant’s
               class C occupational health and safety certificate was suspended with the decision of
               the commission established by Law No.7081, that the relevant decision was justified
               within the scope of the authority granted in the text of the article, and that the decision
               taken was in accordance with the procedure and the law; based on the conclusion and
               opinion that the applicant’s request should be refused, it was decided to issue Decision
               of Refusal on the application.
               CHILDREN’S RIGHTS

               In the applications of children who have applied by accessing the children’s website
               of Ombudsman Institution in 2020, it has been observed that during the pandemic
               period, there was an increase in requests for social assistance and general-purpose loans
               due to problems in accessing lessons in the distance education period, decreased or
               insufficient household income due to reasons such as their parents being unemployed
               or on unpaid leave. In this regard, it has been aimed to support children in need by
               concluding the applications urgently in cooperation with the administrations, especially
               the relevant Governorates, District Governorates and Municipalities according to the
               content of application.

               The applications evaluated within the framework of the children’s right to education,
               which make up the majority of the applications made in the field of children’s rights
               every year, have a wide distribution. These applications range from degrading treatment
               in an educational setting to shortcomings of schools regarding special education areas
               and transportation facilities, failure to meet the current needs of children due to
               insufficient physical capacity of school buildings, violation of the right to healthy food
               in school canteens, lack of public transportation facilities allocated to students in school
               transport provided by local administrations, insufficient counseling services in schools
               and dormitories for children in need of protection and care, and situation of a child
               staying in a penal institution.

               Case Summaries
               About  the  Request  for  Benefiting  from  Home  Care  Service  in  the  Context  of
               Effective Use of the Children’s Right to Health

               The child applicant stated that he or she is 9 years old and that as he or she has type 1
               diabetes, he or she pricked her own finger 8 times a day, that there were homologous

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