Page 75 - 2022-ingilizce-Yillik-Rapor-baski-son
P. 75
In fact, when the examples of countries including well-established ombudsman
institutions are considered, the following results are encountered:
• According to the 2022 data of Spain, the acceptable application rate was 7% among
31,507 applications lodged to the Institution.
• According to the 2020 data of Finland, 13% of the 7,892 applications lodged to the
Institution were accepted.
• According the 2020 annual report data of Norway, the acceptability rate of 13,517
applications lodged to the Institution was 8%.
The acceptability rate of applications lodged to the Ombudsman Institution of Türkiye
in 2022 corresponds to 27.26%.
17,816 complaint applications lodged in 2022, and in addition to 2,042 files transferred
from 2021, a total of 19.858 files were examined in this period.
18,094 (91.12%) of a total of 19,858 complaint applications that were examined were
concluded by the Ombudsman Institution and the results of the examination were
reported to the complainants. Detailed information on the decisions is presented in the
sections above.
4,933 of 18,094 applications concluded by the Ombudsman Institution in 2022
were considered as acceptable. This rate corresponds to 27.26%. The acceptable
application rate was considerably higher than the acceptable application rates of the
other ombudsman institutions mentioned above.
While 2,194 of 4,933 applications of acceptable quality were concluded with amicable
settlement, a total of 1,722 recommendations were issued, 625 of which were partial
recommendation partial refusals, and 1,017 applications were issued a refusal decision.
Table 18: Decision Distribution Regarding the Acceptable Applications in 2022
Number of Files
Type of Decision
Resolved in 2022
Amicable Settlement 2.194
Recommendation 1.097
Partial Recommendation Partial Refusal 625
Refusal 1.017
TOTAL 4.933
The ratio of the total of amicable settlement decisions, recommendations and partial
recommendations for the acceptable applications corresponds to 79.38%. The
applications with a rate of 20.62% were rejected as the complaint was not found to be