Page 55 - 2022-ingilizce-Yillik-Rapor-baski-son
P. 55


                 Table 5: Distribution of Complaint Applications in 2022 by Subject

                                                                 Number of     Percentage
                 Subject of the complaint
                                                                Applications       %
                 Public personnel regime                          4.324       24,27%

                 Justice, national defense and security           3.663       20,56%
                 Services provided by local governments           1.839       10,32%

                 Education, youth and sports                      1.419        7,96%
                 Economy, finance and tax                         1.383        7,76%
                 Labor and social security                        1.072        6,02%

                 Public personnel regime -1
                 (Sub-topics related to the rights of employees with   575     3,23%
                 worker status in the administration arising from
                 the Labor Law and employment contracts)
                 Energy, industry, customs and trade               573         3,22%
                 Right to Property                                 530         2,97%

                 Transportation, press and communication           362         2,03%
                 Health                                            338         1,90%

                 Forestry, water, environment and urbanization     306         1,72%
                 Rights of Persons with Disabilities               301         1,69%

                 Civil registration, citizenship, and refugee and
                 asylum rights                                     296         1,66%
                 Social Services                                   255         1,43%

                 Human Rights                                      237         1,33%

                 Children’s Rights                                 214         1,20%
                 Food, agriculture and livestock                    55         0,31%
                 Science, art, culture and tourism                  38         0,21%

                 Protection of family                               17         0,10%
                 Women's rights                                     12         0,07%

                 Other subjects                                       7        0,04%
                 TOTAL                                             17.816

              54 2022 ANNUAL REPORT
   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60