Page 28 - 2022-ingilizce-Yillik-Rapor-baski-son
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legal remedies in the 10-year period from its establishment. During this 10-year period,
the Ombudsman Institution has influenced national policies, laws and other administrative
regulations with its decisions and special reports, and has become a solution partner in
disputes by creating a bridge between the administration and the citizen. The Ombudsman
Institution has contributed to the establishment of good administration principles and has
been a strong protector of human rights.
We believe that the second century of the Republic of Türkiye will rise on human rights,
democracy, rule of law, justice and equity. The Ombudsman Institution will continue to
carry out its activities with the goals of reinforcing the state administration approach that
fights effectively and efficiently against violations of rights and reaching a sufficient level of
awareness about human rights of all segments of society.
The Ombudsman Institution received 207,403 applications and issued 205,639 decisions
in this 10-year period. The Ombudsman Institution, which solves the problem of
the citizen and guides the administration by acting as a bridge between the citizen
and the administration, has contributed to the improvement of the service quality
of the administration as well as solving the problems of individuals with 75,166
Recommendations and 15,861 Amicable Settlement Decisions. The Ombudsman
Institution has sought solutions to issues that concern millions of people with the special
reports it has prepared and the workshops it has conducted.
Apart from written applications, we informed a total of almost one million people by
phone, e-mail or face-to-face. We provided them legal assistance. We guided them.
Again, during this process, with the special reports we prepared and the workshops we held,
we carried out work on issues that concern millions of people. With the activities we carried
out, significant progress has been made in the development of the culture of seeking legal
remedies of all segments of the society, especially children and youth, and in increasing the
problem-solving ability of the Institution.
In 2022, 17,816 applications were lodged to the Ombudsman Institution. The total
number of applications lodged in a period of approximately 10 years is 207,403. A total of
19,858 files were examined in this period including 17,816 complaint applications lodged
in 2022, and 2,042 files transferred from 2021. 18,094 of the applications were finalized.
In 2022, apart from written applications, we informed a total of 162,143 people face-to-
face, through e-mail or telephone interviews. We provided legal assistance to them and
guided them to solve their problems.
The Ombudsman Institution finds solutions to problems with amicable settlement decisions,
without the need for a recommendation decision, and contributes to the realization of the
“rapid access to justice” of the citizens. The average time to finalize applications was 54.11
days in 2022. As for the amicable settlements, the average time was 75.18 days. In
addition, 22.97% of the applications, which were resolved through amicable settlement,
were finalized within 30 days or less. In 2022, the number of applications, which were
resolved through amicable settlement, was 2,194.
The number of qualified and eligible applications lodged to Ombudsman Institution has
increased with the increased recognition and awareness level of the Institution. This increase
in the number of qualified applications has also been reflected in the recommendations,