Page 30 - 2022-ingilizce-Yillik-Rapor-baski-son
P. 30
We have seen the press as an important stakeholder in terms of increasing the recognition and
awareness of the Ombudsman Institution and gaining public support. We appeared in the
press 15,924 times in total, 2,336 of which were in the printed media, 1,132 on television,
and 12,456 on internet news websites. We gave interviews to agencies, newspapers and
magazines, and participated in the live broadcasts of televisions. In addition, in 2022, the
Ombudsman Institution’s web page was viewed 489,860 times, website for children was
visited 39,272 times, databank about decisions was viewed 103,699 times, the website for
women was viewed 4,005 times, and the e-application page was viewed 889,888 times.
We have succeeded in bringing the Ombudsman Institution to an important place among
the ombudsman institutions in the world. Within this framework, we are a member of
9 International Ombudsman Associations in order to take action against human rights
violations in the world, to react to these violations and to share information and experience.
We also carry out the Presidency of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Ombudsman
Association (OICOA). In addition, we led the establishment of the Association of
Ombudsmen and National Human Rights Institutions of Turkic States (TÜRKOMB)
with the meeting held in Bursa, Türkiye on 13 May 2022, hosted by the Ombudsman
Institution, in order to strengthen the bond between the countries speaking Turkic languages.
In the process of following the implementation calendar of the Human Rights Action
Plan, we fulfilled the duties envisaged for the Ombudsman Institution in the context of the
prison monitoring boards report and following other practices included in the plan, and
the Ombudsman Institution submitted its reports to the Ministry of Justice, the Presidency
of Administrative Affairs and the office of the Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of
While carrying out these activities, the Ombudsman Institution also attaches importance to
the training of its personnel. The Institution conducted 34 training activities for its personnel
with the aim of ensuring complaints are resolved rapidly and accurately in accordance
with international standards and increasing the institutional capacity, by increasing the
competence, knowledge, manners and experience, at the same time the problem-solving
ability of its personnel. This number corresponds to an average of 3 trainings each month.
The Ombudsman Institution got 15 of the Experts of the Institution for 1 month and 21 of
its Experts for 5 days to do their internship in institutions such as ombudsman and human
rights institutions, Department of Execution of Judgements of ECHR, Venice Commission,
the Court of Justice of the EU in order to increase their knowledge and experience.
Asylum seekers and migrants who have to flee from instability, armed conflict, internal
turmoil, oppression, and persecution in various regions of the world in recent years and have
to move to live in accordance with human dignity, have come to Türkiye since they wish
to cross over to other European countries, particularly the neighboring country Greece, by
land or sea. It undoubtedly hurts the public conscience to witness the situation of migrants
and refugees, whose boats called life rafts, which are not suitable for transportation, were
pushed back into the territorial waters of Türkiye, who froze to death, drowned, were kept in
the rain for hours on the borders of Greece or those who were battered while their phones,
money and wallets are confiscated.
As the Ombudsman Institution, it was not possible for us to remain inactive in the face