Page 17 - uluslararasi-ombudsmanlik-konferansi-eng-v6
P. 17
The Future of Human Rights in the 21 Century
> United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
I n t e r n a t i o n a l O m b u d s m a n C o n f e r e n c e 2 0 2 3
Türkiye Representative Mr. Philippe Leclerc
T h e Fu tu re of H u m a n R ig hts in th e 21st C en tu r y
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
(UNHCR) Türkiye Representative Mr. Philippe Leclerc
greeted the guests in his speech at the opening of
the Conference.
The exercise of
fundamental UNHCR Türkiye Representative Mr. Philippe Leclerc
emphasized the importance of knowing the role of the
rights for a more Ombudsman Institution. He stated that the Ombuds-
equal and fair man has a functional role in the exercise of fundamen-
world. tal rights for a more equal and fair world.
> Director for EU Affairs, Ambassador
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Türkiye I n t e r n a t i o n a l O m b u d s m a n C o n f e r e n c e 2 0 2 3
Mr. Faruk Kaymakcı T h e Fu tu re of H u m a n R ig hts in th e 21st C en tu r y
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Türkiye and
Director for EU Affairs, Ambassador Mr. Faruk Kaymakcı
delivered his speech at the opening of the Conference.
Emphasizing that Ombudsmen have important duties in the The Ombudsman
protection and promotion of human rights, he stated that the Institution
Ombudsman Institution of Türkiye is celebrating its 10th anni- realized very
versary. The Ombudsman Institution realized very important important works
works and undersigned very important projects in a short and undersigned
period of time. He expressed that he is glad to see that the very important
Ombudsman culture has become widespread with the under-
standing of justice coming from our history. He thanked the projects in a
Ombudsman Institution for its works related to push-backs, short period of
irregular migrants and migration in the Aegean Sea. time.