Page 21 - uluslararasi-ombudsmanlik-konferansi-eng-v6
P. 21

The Future of Human Rights in the 21  Century

                                         > The Ombudsman of Djibouti
             I n t e r n a t i o n a l   O m b u d s m a n   C o n f e r e n c e   2 0 2 3
                                        Mr. Ahmed Moumin Cheik
            T h e Fu tu re  of H u m a n R ig hts in th e 21st C en tu r y

                                 The Ombudsman of Djibouti Mr. Ahmed Moumin Cheik
                                 delivered his speech.

                                 Mr.  Ahmed  Moumin  Cheik  touched  upon  the  difficulties
                     As the      experienced in  his  country, especially  with  information
               Ombudsman,        technologies and their use. He stated that in a structure
                they are also    consisting of various tribes instead of nation states, peo-
                                 ple use social media, information technologies, communi-
                   fighting      cation channels such as radio and television to treat others
                    against      as enemies, and that as the Ombudsman, besides that,
                 corruption.     they are also fighting against corruption.

             > The Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye    I n t e r n a t i o n a l   O m b u d s m a n   C o n f e r e n c e   2 0 2 3
                                 Prof Dr. Mustafa Şentop   T h e Fu tu re  of H u m a n R ig hts in th e 21st C en tu r y

            The Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of
            Türkiye Prof Dr. Mustafa Şentop delivered his speech.
            In his speech, the Speaker of the Grand National Assem-
            bly of Türkiye Prof. Dr. Mustafa Şentop mentioned that
            they are pleased with the works realized by the Ombuds-  He mentioned in
            man of Türkiye. Mr. Şentop, who greeted the guests at-  his speech that
            tending the meeting, mentioned in his speech that the   the Ombudsman
            Ombudsman concept takes its roots from Ottoman His-
            tory. He stated that these efforts are very important for   concept takes
            a more peaceful and restful world where human rights   its roots from
            violations do not occur.                           Ottoman History.

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