Page 20 - uluslararasi-ombudsmanlik-konferansi-eng-v6
P. 20

International Ombudsman Conference 2023

                                         > The Ombudsman of Kosovo
             I n t e r n a t i o n a l   O m b u d s m a n   C o n f e r e n c e   2 0 2 3
                                        Mr. Naim Qelaj
            T h e Fu tu re  of H u m a n R ig hts in th e 21st C en tu r y

                                     The Ombudsman of Kosovo Mr. Naim Qelaj delivered
                     Equality,       his speech.
                  Promotion of
                Human Rights         Mr. Naim Qelaj touched upon the working system of
                                     the Kosovo Ombudsman and examples from their own
                and Prevention       country.  He  stated  that  they  have  three  important
              of Human Rights        duties: Equality, Promotion of Human Rights and Pre-
                   Violations.       vention of Human Rights Violations.

              > The Ombudsman of the Ministry of Interior of Bahrain      I n t e r n a t i o n a l   O m b u d s m a n   C o n f e r e n c e   2 0 2 3
                                 Ms. Ghada Hameed Hasan
                                                          T h e Fu tu re  of H u m a n R ig hts in th e 21st C en tu r y

            The Ombudsman of the Ministry of Interior of Bahrain
            Ms. Ghada Hameed Hasan delivered her speech.

            Ms. Ghada Hameed Hasan started her speech by       She mentioned that
            thanking for the conference invitation. The Ombuds-  the security forces
            man of the Ministry of Interior stated that there is no   affiliated with the
            such practice in other countries in their region. She   Ombudsman Office
            mentioned that the security forces affiliated with the   of the Ministry of
            Ombudsman Office of the Ministry of Interior in Bah-  Interior in Bahrain
            rain are working on human rights violations, and that
            they apply to the court about the officers causing vio-  are working on
            lations. She explained that they act as a mediator in all   human rights
            kinds of service disruptions to the citizens.      violations.

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