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and asylum-seeker rights”, “issues related to the rights of workers working in the
administration under the labour status and employment contract” and “other issues
and fields” have been added and applications made in the relevant fields have been
examined and resolved.
With a view to improving the relations between the administration and the individuals,
and to increasing the confidence of individuals in the administration, we believe that it
is more useful to gather the administration and the individual so that these two parties
can negotiate the problem. Therefore, amicable settlement of conflicts between the
administration and the individual in a way to satisfy both parties is the mostly preferred
method by our department. By this means, we believe that we play an active role in
helping that communication between the administration and citizen as well as citizen’s
confidence in administration will foster and conflicts will be resolved in a quicker, more
effective way and in favor of the citizen without facing bureaucratic obstacles.
To this end, it was ensured that the problems were solved amicably through negotiations
and correspondence with the relevant administrations regarding many issues in 2019.
In addition to amicable settlement, Recommendation Decisions were issued on various
matters closely related to the public in 2019.
Turning into a fully functional public entity in a very short time, our Institution has
started to receive positive feedbacks from the public thanks to its decisions, activities as
well as its reports.
We sincerely believe that as the added value of the Ombudsman Institution to our
country and its efficiency in the public opinion increase day by day in terms of citizens’
seeking legal remedies, confidence in our Institution will further raise paving the way
for our Institution to reach its well-deserved place in our administrative system.