Page 26 - 2018-yillik-raporu-ing
P. 26
approach and being the voice of public conscience in strengthening the democracy. To
that end, our Institution adopted the principle of “using communication tools”. When the
individuals are directly contacted, they feel that their complaints are paid attention by the
relevant authorities and therefore they feel satisfied. Establishing an active and continuous
communication between the State and the society will contribute to eliminating the popular
belief that the Administrations are inaccessible, and they don’t care about the complaints.
Right at this point, our Institution plays a key role.
As part of complaint handling mechanism, our Institution not only examines the available
information and documents but also contacts the relevant authorities and assesses the subjects
of complaints by coming together with these authorities and seeks a settlement regarding
the conflict. All parties of the conflict are heard while the case is dealt with. Our Institution
makes significant contributions to fostering the culture of settlement, effective and efficient
functioning of administrations, implementing the good governance principles, and resolving
quickly the conflicts between the administration and the individuals.
My area of responsibility is public personnel regime. In 2018, we received complaint applications
mostly about 28 February Process, oral examinations conducted by public authorities,
appointment requests for unity of family, transfer requests due to disability, mobbing,
disciplinary penalties, and family allowance.
I believe that as our Institution is increasingly being recognized by the public and becoming
more and more popular day by day thanks to its awareness raising activities, it will further
contribute to functioning of public administrations in a more transparent and effective manner
in compliance with the good governance principles.
About the He was born in Kocaeli in 1962.
Sadettin He graduated from Faculty of Law of Istanbul University in 1986.
Kalkan He began his career as district governor candidate of Zonguldak
province in 1987.
In 1990, he embarked his district governorship service as district
governor of Ulus. Afterwards, he served as district governor in
Ulus and Çamoluk, Diyarbakır deputy governor, district governor
in Ardeşen, Beşikdüzü, Sarıkamış, Kaman, Gölmarmara, Kadirli
and Turgutlu.
While he was deputy governor of İstanbul, he was appointed as
Secretary General of Grand National Assembly of Türkiye.