Page 133 - Syrians in Türkiye - Special Report
P. 133


            or perceptions of impermanence are not the basis for a sustainable policy for the local
            community or for the refugees, and it will likely only produce anxiety. It is clear that the
            policies built on impermanence contain risks of high cost, limited efficiency, and many
            future problems. Feelings of being temporary also prevent refugees from participating
            in work, education, and social life. This approach to policy is likely to lead to many
            problems that will arise in the case of them being permanent. Therefore, the dynamic
            process model, in which persistence is considered - especially for the “lost generation” -
            but efforts for return continue, is generally less risky.

            In the meantime, when considering the number of Syrians in Türkiye, which is more
            than the population of dozens of countries, it is necessary to determine a comprehensive
            strategy for such a large number of refugees without losing any time. Although all
            relevant public institutions have tried to solve problems with a superior and sincere
            effort over the past six years, long-term and sustainable policy and strategy are needed.

            In the first paragraph of Article 104 of the Law on Foreigners and International
            Protection,  the legislation on migration and the development of administrative capacity,
            the task of determining these policies and strategies was assigned to the Directorate
            General of Migration Management affiliated with the Ministry of Interior. In Article
            105 of the same legislation, the task of determining migration policy and strategy
            was given to the Migration Policy Board, to be presided over by the Minister of the
            Interior, the secretariat of the Directorate General of Migration Management, and the
            representatives of the relevant institutions. Based on this information, the duties of the
            Board are stated below:

            “Identifying and implementing migration policies and strategies; preparing strategy
            documents, program and application documents in the field of migration; determining
            the methods and measures which will be applied to the cases of mass influx; with
            humanitarian considerations, to determine the people who will be accepted into Türkiye
            and the procedures and principles regarding entry and residence in the country; to
            determine foreign labor that Türkiye needs based on the Ministry of Labor and Social
            Security’s recommendations, and in accordance with the opinion of the Ministry of
            Agriculture and Livestock, the procedures and principles for foreigners engaged in
            seasonal work in agriculture; to determine the conditions for long-term residence
            permits for foreigners; to determine the effective working relationship with foreign
            countries and international organizations in the field of migration and the framework
            of the efforts in this area and tomake decisions about coordination between public
            institutions and organizations working in the field of migration.”

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