Page 138 - Syrians in Türkiye - Special Report
P. 138


            In addition to the proper collection of such information, it is also extremely important
            for DGMM to take all necessary precautions to ensure that all essential information is
            fully and promptly shared with the relevant institutions so that they can serve Syrians
            and carry out requisite operations.

            In addition to this, it is important that different institutions compile relevant information
            according to their areas of responsibility for foreigners; for this, it is necessary that the
            data related to foreigners should be managed from one source (Göç-Net); the relevant
            public institutions and organizations may be given the authority to enter data only
            through their Göç-Net (data deletion can only be carried out in a controlled manner
            under specific jurisdiction) so that the integrity and uniformity of the collected data
            can be achieved.
            D. Evaluation of New Legal and Administrative Regulations

            The fact that the number of Syrians exceeds 3.4 million in Türkiye and the total number
            of refugees is more than 3.5 million indicates that we have faced an extremely serious
            situation.  Therefore, it is necessary that the process be managed from a different
            approach than it was before 2011. Considering that countries in other regions of the
            world have been disrupted by hosting 5,000-10,000 refugees, it appears that Türkiye,
            which has gained 3.5 million refugees in five years, may need new laws and regulations,
            and institutional structures, even though these refugees might possibly return to their

            Considering factors such as the recent increase in the number of foreigners in our
            country and the quality and diversity of the services offered to these people, it is
            important to strengthen the current capacity of related personnel. This need was often
            expressed in our field studies. It has been mentioned many times that it is of utmost
            importance that the various institutions and organizations in the negotiations take
            action in the field of migration and asylum within a predetermined policy and strategy;
            also, the establishment of a multidimensional and holistic migration policy and strategy
            and the integration of the work carried out on this subject could ensure uniformity. A
            general manager at the Ministry of the Interior has expressed his opinion that a central
            institution should be set up to work exclusively in the field of migration and integration
            and produce targeted policies.

            In addition to that, it has been found that the administrative structure existing within
            the Ministry of the Interior and the maintenance of the distribution  of duties  in
            relation  to  the said work, operations, and services offered would be more beneficial in
            terms of specialization and effectiveness.

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