Page 130 - Syrians in Türkiye - Special Report
P. 130
I. Administrative and Legal Regulations
A. Process Management, Establishing an Integrated and Sustainable Migration and
Protection Policy and Strategy
It is clear that in order to develop durable and comprehensive policies on mass migration
from Syria, which has rarely been experienced at this scale in the history of the world
and for the first time in Türkiye’s history, it is necessary to make strong predictions about
how the process will progress from now on. There is no easy answer to the question of
whether the Syrians, whose numbers exceed 3.4 million and who have lived in Türkiye
since April 2011, will return to their countries. This situation causes instability and
prevents long-standing and permanent policies.
For example, the language and content of the education will be given to Syrian
children in Türkiye is shaped by the fact that they will return to Syria. Without a doubt,
reestablishing peace and stability in Syria and the repatriation of all Syrian people are
the priorities of the Syrians and the communities in which they live.
Many studies show that the Syrians wish to return to their countries after the
establishment of peace. Therefore, it is neither possible nor accurate for policymakers
to say clearly and unequivocally that Syrians in Türkiye are permanent or that they
will return. Hence, a policy of dynamic process management that allows for different
alternatives and monitoring of the events in Syria is required.
Even though the ideal solution for all parties is the return of Syrians in Türkiye to their
homes, it is known that this depends on many external factors. Therefore, the option
Syrians’ returning home is debatable. However, the main issue here is the important
differences between what Türkiye’s strategy will be in a situation where Syrians return
to Syria or stay in Türkiye permanently. Therefore, if a substantial number of the Syrians
will stay permanently, Türkiye should develop comprehensive integration policies and
implement them immediately. Yet, if the Syrian society and the Turkish society are not
adequately prepared for the possibility of Syrians staying in Türkiye permanently, this
situation can lead to various serious problems. It is also clear that the integration policies
contain the risk of increasing the tendency of staying in Türkiye. However, if living with
a population equal to 4% of the country’s population becomes inescapable, the costs of
postponing integration policies in order to avoid encouraging them to stay will be even
higher. Therefore, we believe that it is necessary to consider the possibility of Syrians
staying permanently, which becomes stronger day by day, as well as implementing