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               culture and tourism”. And since the second half of 2019 the following areas have been
               included in my mandate: population, citizenship, refugee and asylum-seeker rights,
               issues related to the rights arising from the Labor Law and employment contract
               for the persons working in the status of worker.

               In order to satisfy the sense of justice of the society, it is very important to make
               effort, to make decisions accordingly and to facilitate and accelerate people’s access
               to justice. In order to increase citizens’ trust in the administration and to compensate
               the weakness of the citizen in front of the administration, we aim at finding a solution
               that will satisfy both sides, thus amicable settlement is the most preferred problem solv-
               ing method.
               To this end, as in previous years, in the year 2020 as well,  problems were resolved
               through amicable settlement via meetings and correspondence with the relevant
               administrations on various issues, particularly the aggrievement experienced due to the
               Coronavirus which is adversely affecting the world.

               Besides amicable settlement, Recommendations have been made on many issues that
               are great concern to the public in 2020.
               Among the Recommendations given by our Institution, the process of complying with
               legislative changes requires a longer time than our other Recommendations since this
               change often requires a certain preparation and time. However, as in previous years, also
               in the year 2020, we also had Recommendations that were followed by making legisla-
               tive changes in a short period of time.

               It is of course important to create a strong perception in our society and in the international
               arena that the Ombudsman Institution is impartial and independent but the most impor-
               tant thing is to be fair and to provide justice. In the establishment of justice, I believe
               our Institution will always continue to stand by the righteous. Because standing by the
               righteous is the essence of the Islamic Civilization and as stated in a wise saying we often
               hear “… There is no greater power in the world than being righteous.”

               At the end of the election process of the Ombudsmen which started in the last quarter
               of 2020 which is the fourth year of our term of duty, I have been re-elected by the
               GNAT Joint Committee on 11.11.2020 for a second term. I hope it will be a period
               in which the added value of the Ombudsman to our country and its effectiveness in
               the public opinion increases and is further strengthened in terms of its institutional
               structure and administrative and financial status.

                                                                      2020 ANNUAL REPORT  25
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