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                 settlement and even with the referral decision which are proposing amicable settlement,
                 a constant effort has been made to resolve the citizens’ aggrievement and successful
                 results have been achieved.

                 In  the  applications  made  by  the  citizen  without  exhausting  the  application  to  the
                 administration, an amicable settlement was encouraged by giving a “referral decision” to
                 the administration and thus in many cases the applicant’s problem was solved without
                 the need for a new complaint later on. Instead of not examining the applications that do
                 not fall within the remit of our institution, the Institution adopts a constructive attitude
                 and refers the applicants to the authorities that can solve their problems according to
                 the nature of the application and takes the necessary initiatives when necessary. Even in
                 some cases, as it does not fall within the remit of the institution in accordance with the
                 legal legislation where it gives “Inadmissibility” decision, in case of requirement, it is
                 determined whether there is a legislative gap on the subject or not, if any, the issue has
                 been submitted to the relevant administrations for evaluation. In addition, by guiding
                 the complainant about which authorities s/he can apply to, contribution was made to
                 the resolution of the dispute subject to the complaint.

                 Within the scope of our mandate, in the areas where the administration does not serve as
                 a monopoly, no distinction was made in order not to interfere with the market between
                 state-owned enterprises  such as Ziraat  Bank, Halkbank,  Vakıflar Bank, TÜRKSAT
                 and private capital banks and private sector organizations.  However, the applications
                 were forwarded to the relevant institutions and the applicants were informed about the
                 institutions to which they could apply.

                 Since it is  not included in  the definition  of administration, which are  not within
                 the remit of our institution, with regard to the private sector organizations such as
                 insurance, cargo, GSM and internet service companies, our institution has shown
                 citizens the ways to seek remedies for their applications about their problems with the
                 above mentioned private sector organizations. If deemed necessary, the applications
                 have been forwarded to the institutions subject to the complaint in order to make the
                 necessary assessment within the framework of the customer satisfaction and thus it is
                 ensured that the problem of the citizen is solved.

                 Regarding every application made to the Ombudsman Institution, with our decisions
                 that solve the problems of our citizens and enable the administration make decisions
                 to the other citizens in later operations within the framework of good administration
                 principles, the Institution has contributed to the human rights and right to legal
                 remedies, which resulted in more applications filed to our Institution with each passing

              22 2020 ANNUAL REPORT
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