Page 28 - KDK
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Establishment of a fair state administration concept in the Seljuk and Ottoman Periods
is carried out today by the Ombudsman Institution which assumes a responsibility on
behalf of the Parliament. Since its establishment, our institution acting as an advocate
of the rights of individuals has adopted the aim of ensuring easy accessibility and the
spread of the culture of right to legal remedies in the society and the realization of
justice promptly. The supervision of the administration should be carried out effectively
as the duties that the state is obliged to fulfill gradually increase and the delicate balance
between the individual rights and public interest must be maintained. Ombudsman
Institution continued its works without any interruption also in the year 2020 to
protect the individuals against the unlawful and unfair practices of the administrations
and to contribute to the execution of public services within the framework of human
rights and good governance principles.
My areas of responsibility are public personnel issues including applications regarding
the problems arising from not being appointed as civil servant, exams for recruitment,
transfer, assignment, evaluation, financial and social rights of public personnel,
objections to disciplinary penalties, attitudes and behaviors of public personnel. While
making the final decisions about applications, by considering the rule of law, efforts
have been made to defend the rights of citizens by adopting the principles of compliance
with the law, equality, impartiality, accountability, honesty, courtesy and transparency.
The year 2020 has been a year marked by the COVID-19 pandemic which has been
declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organization after the announcement of
its appearance in Wuhan, China in December 2019. The whole world is still facing
with this challenge, continuing to combat with the pandemic in the last days of 2020.
In the International Labor Organization (ILO) report, the ongoing crisis due to the
corona virus pandemic was described as the worst global crisis since the Second World
War. Measures have been taken in our country to prevent the spread of the pandemic
and to protect the health of citizens, thanks to the faithful services of healthcare
professionals and with the solid health infrastructure, successful steps have been taken
in the treatment process. With the belief that we will overcome the pandemic, I hope
that all people will have the right to live a healthy life.