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The applications lodged to our Institution by civil servants are examined in accordance
with the Law No. 657 as well as relative legislation and regulations. In addition, the
faulty legislative practices of the administration, legislative gaps and compliance of the
requests of the applicants with the law are investigated and examined.
Applications relating to public personnel regime are examined under the sub-headings
of appointment, replacement, financial and social rights, promotion, disciplinary
punishment and recruitment, mobbing, problems of contractual staff, personnel
assessment, cadre and positions, issues related to the rights of employees working in the
status of workers in the administration arising from the Labour Law and employment
contracts and other matters regarding public officials.
Table 2: Statistics of Applications on Public Personnel Regime
Public Personnel Regime Number Percentage %
Issues related to the rights of employees working in the
status of workers in the administration arising from the 976 18,88%
Labour Law and employment contracts
Appointment, Transfer, Assignment and Replacement 905 17,50%
Recruitment (including problems regarding not being
appointed as civil servant, limitations on vacancy, etc.), 745 14,41%
appointment, transfer and replacement
Financial Rights 670 12,96%
Disciplinary punishment and dismissal 452 8,74%
Promotion 380 7,35%
Problems of contractual and temporary staff 254 4,91%
Civil service exams (written exams and oral examinations 218 4,22%
conducted by the public institutions)
Complaints regarding attitudes and behaviours of public
officials (including mobbing and ill-treatment), 206 3,98%
Cadre and/or positions 107 2,07%
Other matters regarding public officials 102 2,03%
Social Rights and Benefits 67 1,30%
Duties, responsibilities and general rights 48 0,93%
Personnel Assessment 19 0,37%
Personnel within the scope of privatisation 17 0,33%
Prohibitions 1 0,02%
Total 5170