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                 1.1 Chief Ombudsman Mr. Şeref Malkoç

                 The Ombudsman Institution of  Türkiye is a constitutional institution included in
                 Article 74 of the Constitution with the constitutional amendment made in 2010.
                 According to the Ombudsman Law No. 6328, the Institution shall be responsible for
                 examining, investigating, and submitting recommendations to the Administration
                 with regard to all sorts of acts and actions as well as attitudes and behaviors of the
                 Administration upon complaint on the functioning of the Administration within the
                 framework of an understanding of human rights-based justice and in the aspect of
                 legality and conformity with principles of fairness.

                 Adopting the principle “let the mankind live so that the State lives”, the Ombudsman
                 Institution aims to contribute to:

                 ➢ increasing the service quality of the administration,
                 ➢ internalising the principles of good administration,
                 ➢ improving human rights standards,
                 ➢ ensuring the rule of law,
                 ➢ strengthening the culture of seeking legal remedies,
                 ➢ forming a transparent, accountable and citizen-engaged administration.
                 The Institution is a young institution that started receiving complaints in 2013 and it
                 has only been 7 years since its establishment. During this period, significant progress

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