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                 3.5.2 Institutional Publicity, Meetings and Events

                 Assuming a role in effectively introducing the ways of seeking legal remedies to citizens,
                 the Institution, in 2020, continued its activities started in 2019 to make citizens
                 familiarize  with  the  Institution.  Based  on  the  fact  that  the recognition  level  of  the
                 Ombudsman Institution is not at desired level, the Institution continued to focus on
                 raising awareness activities aiming at:

                    ➢ Increasing recognition of the Institution by individuals, public organisations,
                       CSOs, media organisations,  social media, foreign stakeholders, students of
                       primary, secondary and higher education, Turkish Citizens living abroad,

                    ➢ Raising awareness and expanding the opportunities to seek legal remedies for
                       women, children, the disabled, those deprived of their freedom, and migrants,
                    ➢ Meeting information requests coming from individuals regarding their complaints
                       or before filing a complaint,

                    ➢ Increasing the efficiency of complaint handling mechanism and the complaint
                       management system of the Institution so that the individuals can easily access to
                       the Institution and also follow up their applications.

                 In this regard, some of the institutional meetings and events of 2020 are summarized
                   Visit to Places Hit by Earthquake –On-site examinations (10-11 February)

                 Following a devastating earthquake hit the city of Elazığ and its district Sivrice on
                 24 January 2020, Chief Ombudsman Mr. Şeref Malkoç, Ombudsman Mr. Sadettin
                 Kalkan  and Secretary General  Mr.  İbrahim Kılınç  visited the  cities of Malatya  and
                 Elazığ to conduct on-site examinations on 10-11 February 2020.

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