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                 The majority of the complaints has been filed against the bank and finance institu-
                 tions with a rate of 76,25% followed by the Ministry of Justice with a rate of 2,42%.

                 Table 8: Distribution of the complaints as per Institutions (Top 5 Institutions)

                  Name of the Institution                    Number

                  Banks and Finance Institutions              68.720            76,18%
                  Ministry of Justice                          2205            2,44%

                  Local Governments                            2013            2,23%

                  Universities and Faculties                   1860            2,06%

                  Ministry of Health                           1732            1,92%

                 Table 9: Data on Cases of 2020

                                    Number of
                   Number of the                            Number of the     Number of
                                     the Cases
                  cases transferred   Received in   Total  Cases Concluded    Cases being
                     from 2019                                  in 2020        processed

                       3.830         90.209      94.039         91.100          2.939

                 The percentage of the decisions in 2020 has been as follows:

                 Referral with a rate of 9,51%
                 Inadmissibility with a rate of 10,29%

                 Amicable Settlement with a rate of 2,01%
                 Invalid Application with a rate of 0,18%
                 Decision as to no ground exists for taking a decision with a rate of 0,32%

                 Recommendation with a rate of  75,74%
                 Refusal with a rate of 1,05%
                 Partial Recommendation Partial Refusal with a rate of 0,78%

             118 2020 ANNUAL REPORT
   114   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123   124