Page 67 - 2018-yillik-raporu-ing
P. 67
◊ services provided at Municipal Guesthouses for Women, and Centers for Prevention of
Violence and Monitoring and
◊ other related matters.
A case summary
Decision on prohibition of discrimination and on positive discrimination towards female
employees: Upon conducting examinations concerning a complaint of a female applicant
who objected to the requirement of being a male to be recruited as a fireman; our Institution
reminded the Administration to act by taking into account of the relevant international
and national legislation particularly of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Women, and of the ILO Convention No. 111 on Discrimination
(Employment and Occupation).
Similarly, upon receiving a complaint from an applicant who was working as a security officer
at night, our Institution conducted examinations and resolved the matter by reminding the
Administration about the Regulation on the Prohibition of Night Employment of Women as
well as about the responsibilities of the Administration to take necessary measures.
Activities of the Ombudsman Institution in terms of promotion and dissemination of
women’s rights
◊ Workshop on Increasing the Effectiveness of the Mechanisms for Prevention of
Domestic Violence against Women and Children
Considering that the cases of domestic violence against women and children increased
in 2018, our Institution decided to prepare a special report in order to identify
shortcomings in the functioning of existing mechanisms and present relevant solutions.
In this regard, a workshop on “Increasing the Effectiveness of the Mechanisms for
Prevention of Domestic Violence against Women and Children” was organized on 19
February 2018 with the participation of the representatives from the Committee on
Equal Opportunities for Women and Men, Ministry of Family, Social Services and
Labor, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Justice, relevant Civil Society Organizations,
academicians as well as international organizations.
◊ Works on Gender Equality
Our Institution takes part in activities concerning gender equality in cooperation with
public institutions and Civil Society Organizations. As a stakeholder, our Institution
participated in the activities of the Association for Monitoring Gender Equality within
the framework of the project “Enhancement of Participatory Democracy in Türkiye:
Monitoring Gender Equality.”