Page 47 - 2018-yillik-raporu-ing
P. 47
3.1 How to apply
Natural and legal entities whose interests, rights or freedoms are violated may lodge a complaint
to the Ombudsman Institution against all kinds of acts, actions, attitudes and behaviors of
the administration. However, the condition of “violation of interest, rights or freedoms” is
not sought in the event that the complaint is about human rights, fundamental rights and
freedoms, women’s rights, children’s rights and general issues concerning the public.
The complaint shall be lodged with a petition written in Turkish. However, a petition in
a different language in which the complainant can express himself/herself better, may be
accepted provided that it is deemed to be fair and reasonable by the Ombudsman Institution.
Complaint applications may be delivered in person by visiting the Ombudsman Institution
as well as via mail, electronic mail, e-government, fax or via electronic system available on
the website of the Institution. Complaints may also be sent to the office of the Ombudsman
Institution in Istanbul. However, the originals of the complaint applications lodged via fax
or electronic mail are required to be delivered to the Ombudsman Institution within fifteen
days; otherwise, the complaint shall not be admissible. This condition doesn’t apply to the
complaints lodged through registered electronic mail.
Moreover, the complaints may be lodged in person or via mail through governorates in
provinces and district governorates in districts. Governorates and district governorates
send the complaints and their annexes if available in three working days at the latest to the
Ombudsman Institution.
Complaints may be lodged by filling out the “Complaint Form for Natural Entities” or
Complaint Form for Legal Entities. Provided that the required information and documents
specified in the Ombudsman Law are included, a complaint may also be lodged without using
the forms. In the event that a justified reason exists, complaints may also be lodged orally.
The complaint may also be lodged by a legal representative or an assignee.
No price is charged due to any reasons for lodging a complaint.
3.2 Application period
Application may be filed with the Institution within six months following the date of
notification of the response to the application filed with the administration. The date of the
application is deemed to be the date on which the petition is submitted to the Institution or
provincial or district governor’s offices or, in other cases, the date on which the application is
received by the Institution.