Page 16 - 2018-yillik-raporu-ing
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of these decisions for the year 2018 alone is more than the total number of decisions issued by
our Institution since its establishment. Additionally, the compliance rate of the Administration
with these decisions has been 70% in 2018, which is a considerable success for a 6-year old
Our Institution with its staff has one goal: to find a solution to the problems of our citizens by
serving as a guardian and lawyer. Thus, I would like to thank all the staff who has showed a
maximum effort to that end.
About The Chief Ombudsman Şeref Malkoç was born in Trabzon in 1960.
the Chief He completed his primary, secondary and high school education in
Ombudsman Trabzon.
Şeref Malkoç He graduated from Faculty of Law of İstanbul University in 1982. He
practiced law in Trabzon for 10 years. During this period, he also
worked as an executive in many Civil Society Organizations including
Yavuz Selim Foundation and Trabzon House of Culture. He gave
lectures on Constitutional Law at Karadeniz Technical University
(KTU), Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences.
He worked as the Trabzon Provincial Chairperson of Welfare Party
(RP). He represented Trabzon in the Grand National Assembly
of Türkiye during 20 and 21 parliamentary terms, between
1995 and 2002. As the Member of Parliament, he served as the
spokesperson of the Justice Committee, Vice Chairman of the
Constitutional Committee and Vice Chairman of Turkish-German
Inter-parliamentary Friendship Group. He prepared the defenses
for political parties “Welfare Party” (Refah Partisi) and “Virtue
Party” (Fazilet Partisi) closure cases and defended these Parties in
front of the Constitutional Court. He was Vice Chairman for these
Parties as well as for Felicity Party (Saadet Partisi). He wrote the
complaint petition for the Case of February 28 Coup plotters.
He also worked as an executive for several national and local radio
and TV stations. He was the representative of the Justice and
Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi) for two years in
the Supreme Election Council. During his tenure, he contributed
to the Local Elections on 30 March 2014, and Presidential Election
on 10 August 2014 as well as General Elections on 7 June 7 and
1 November 2015. His articles and op-eds on Constitution and
Presidential System have been published in various journals and