Page 189 - 2022-ingilizce-Yillik-Rapor-baski-son
P. 189
context, the Ombudsman Institution plans to increase this cooperation and organize
meetings with the Deputy Ministers of Türkiye, who are determined as the contact
person at regular times, in order to create a bridge between the administrations and
the citizens and to resolve the complaints through amicable settlement.
❖ In order to increase institutional promotion and awareness, the printing and
distribution of promotional materials such as academic journals, bulletins, guides
for applications, posters and promotional brochures will continue. Special emphasis
will be placed on activities aimed at raising awareness for children, women, persons
with disabilities and those deprived of their liberty, and expanding their right to
seek legal remedies. Prison visits will be made to ensure that problems are monitored
onsite. Two workshops will be held on these issues, and the results of the workshops
and solution proposals will be reported.
❖ All requests for information from citizens before or after complaints regarding
complaints will be met.
❖ The Ombudsman Institution plans to enrich the complaint application and
management system with artificial intelligence applications. Thus, it will be possible
for the application system to guide the applicants in a way that will enable them to
lodge qualified applications. At the same time, the qualified and practical decision-
writing process of the personnel of the Ombudsman Institution will be supported
with the artificial intelligence applications.
❖ Relations with international human rights institutions and ombudsman institutions
will be maintained, information will be exchanged and trainings will be organized.
❖ Human rights field studies will be conducted within the scope of the activities of
the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Ombudsman Association (OICOA) and
Association of Ombudsmen and National Human Rights Institutions of Turkic
States (TÜRKOMB).
❖ In addition, the Ombudsman Institution of Türkiye plans to strengthen its relations
with the Ombudsman Institutions of African and South American countries.
❖ Regarding the Ombudsman Institutions, the Venice Commission has adopted the
“Principles on the Protection and Promotion of the Ombudsman Institution in
2019. These Principles were also endorsed by the Committee of Ministers of the
Council of Europe on 2 May 2019. The core principle is creation of an Ombudsman
mechanism, which is based on independence, objectivity, transparency, fairness and
impartiality. When the Constitution, the Law on the Ombudsman Institution of
Türkiye No. 6328 as well as other legislation are examined, it is clearly seen that