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                 CHAPTER VIII: EXPECTATIONS AND TARGETS ................................................................  123
                 8.1 Our Expectations  ..............................................................................................................124
                 8.2 Our Targets for 2021 ..........................................................................................................125
                 LIST OF TABLES

                 Table 1: Number of Visits to the Websites of the Ombudsman Institution of Türkiye .............42
                 Table 2: Number of complaints by years ................................................................................112
                 Table 3:Comparison of complaints of 2019 and 2020 ............................................................112
                 Table 4: Distribution of complaints as per Age Groups in 2020.............................................113
                 Table 5: Distribution of Complaints as per Types of Applicant in 2020 .................................114
                 Table 6: Distribution of the complaints as per Application Methods for 2019-2020 .............115
                 Table 7: Distribution of the Complaints as per Subjects in 2019-2020 .................................116
                 Table 8: Distribution of the complaints as per Institutions (Top 5 Institutions) ....................118

                 Table 9: Data on Cases of 2020 ...............................................................................................118
                 Table 10: Percentage of the Types of Decisions in 2020 ........................................................119
                 Table 11: Distribution of the cases resolved through amicable settlement in 2020 .............120
                 Table 12: Comparison of Recommendation, and Partial Recommendation
                          Partial Refusal by Years ...........................................................................................120
                 Table 13: Compliance rate of the Administrations with Recommendations by years ..........121

                 LIST OF FIGURES
                 Figure 1: Changing trend of complaints by years ................................................................ 112
                 Figure 2: Distribution of complaint applications as per Age Groups in 2020 .................... 113

                 Figure 3: Distribution of Complaints as per Types of Applicant in 2020 ............................ 114
                 Figure 4: Distribution of the complaints as per Application Methods for 2020 ................. 115

                 Figure 5: Distribution of the Complaints as per Subjects in 2020 ...................................... 117
                 Figure 6: Distribution of Types of Decisions in 2020 ........................................................... 119

                 Figure 7: Number of Recommendations by years ............................................................... 120
                 Figure 8: Compliance rate by years ..................................................................................... 121

               6 2020 ANNUAL REPORT
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