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between the public organisations and the investors”. To this end, the works
on creating an Investment Ombudsman are in progress. The Ombudsman
Institution of Türkiye regularly handles and resolves the complaints regarding
investors. With its broad experience, qualified staff and institutional structure,
it has the ability to provide contributions expected from an investment
ombudsman in an effective and fast manner. Instead of establishing a new and
separate investment ombudsman institution, it would be better to authorize
the Ombudsman Institution of Türkiye to carry out the duties of investment
ombudsman with relevant legal amendments.
As in every year, in 2021 as well, the Institution will decisively continue to perform
its activities in order to help provide citizens with better public services, creation of
an accountable and transparent administration, increase trust in public organisations
with the purpose of protection of individuals against any unlawful acts and actions of
administration and fairly resolving the disputes in line with general legal rules.
In this regard, our main targets are as follows:
➢ In 2020, the Institution prepared three special reports. As is known, acting as
human rights institutions, Ombudsmen play an active role in reporting, examining
and promoting universal human rights. And as the Ombudsman Institution is
the principle actor responsible for protecting and promoting human rights, the
Institution plans for the year 2021 to prepare five special reports on matters
concerning the whole society, particularly on human rights.
➢ Our targets for 2021 also include ensuring the adoption of good administration
principles by all public institutions and agencies as well as spreading these principles.
• Our Institution not also supervises the acts and actions of the administration
in compliance with the law and fairness but also supervises their actions
whether they are in line with the good administration principles.
• In this regard, our Institution prepared a Manual on Good Administration
Principles” in order to guide administration based on these principles.
In addition, an international symposium under the theme “Good
Administration Principles and the Ombudsman” was organized on 18-19
November 2019 in Istanbul with participation of many Ombudsman
institutions across the world. The Manual on Good Administration
Principles was published and distributed to all public institutions and
agencies in order to introduce these principles. Also the English version