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                       of this Manual was shared with the Ombudsmen across the world. It
                       is aimed to provide trainings for all public officials so that these good
                       administration principles are adopted and implemented by around 2 and
                       half million existing public officials.

                 ➢ Another target is to continue the efficiency of the works of Ombudsman Institution
                    of Türkiye in order to reduce the workload on administrative judiciary.

                    •  Application to our Institution free of charge and the obligation to finalize the
                       applications within six months at the latest show that our Institution is a key
                       instrument for individuals to access justice easily and quickly. The Institution
                       aims at contributing further to reducing workload on judiciary with its amicable
                       settlements and decisions concerning a large segment of society.

                 ➢ With the purpose of finalizing complaints in a quicker and more efficient manner,
                    and spreading the culture of seeking legal remedies, the following activities are
                    •    In 2020, with the effect of the pandemic, the number of complaints reached
                         over 90 thousand. And ın 2021, the number of complaints are expected to be
                         around 30,000 with the diminishing effects of the pandemic. The more the
                         recognition of our Institution the higher the number of qualified applications
                         filed to the Institution. With the increased rate of qualified applications, the
                         number of amicable settlements and recommendations increases as well.
                         In 2021, the Institution aims at increasing its ability to settle disputes by
                         resolving the complaints in a faster and amicable ways.

                    •    The Institution aims at focusing on trainings to increase the competence of
                         the staff in order to ensure resolving the complaints in shorter time than six
                    •    The Institution intends to turn the Preliminary Examination, Distribution
                         and Information Bureau in a call center in order to ensure this Bureau to
                         work more efficiently and to provide better services for citizens.

                         •    With an aim to reduce the inadmissibility  and referral decisions,
                              necessary works will be carried out to receive more qualified complaints
                              and resolve the complaints more effectively.
                         •    Particularly witnessed in elections in Europe, racism, xenophobia and
                              Islamophobia are spreading. And the key victims of these discrimination
                              acts are the people who do not know how they can seek their legal
                              remedies.  In this regard, we will continue  our activities  which  were

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