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               participated in the first focus group meeting, where the work towards the early
               education on the culture of seeking legal remedies was discussed. Moreover, the
               opinions of the participants on the access to the society toolkit, which was prepared to
               promote the Ombudsman Institution’s webpage for children, were obtained and their
               contributions were received.

               Activities towards the Establishment of a Committee on the Rights of the Child in
               the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye (GNAT)

               With a view to promoting the Strategy on the Rights of the Child of the Ombudsman
               Institution and discussing the ways of protecting and developing children’s rights in
               Türkiye, a meeting was organised in cooperation with UNICEF and the Ombudsman
               Institution on 15  April 2019 with the participation of competent administrations in
               child protection, deputies, UNICEF Representative to Türkiye, National Coordinators
               of Child Rights Committee, Members of Children’s Council of Ankara Metropolitan
               Municipality and members of civil society organisations.

               On the 30  anniversary of the  adoption of  the UN Convention on the Rights of
               the Child, the Ombudsman Institution shared its proposal for the establishment of a
               committee relating to children’s rights in the GNAT under the proposals to overcome
               legislative and practical deficiencies in the field of children’s rights in Türkiye.

               Study  Visit of the  Working Group on the Rights of the Migrant Children,
               Established under the Association of Mediterranean Ombudsmen
               Working Group on the Rights of the Migrant Children, which was established under
               the Association of Mediterranean Ombudsmen (AMO), visited the Ombudsman
               Institution of Türkiye on 24 -25  October 2019 soon after its study visits to some
               of the other member countries. Within the framework of the programme prepared
               with the contributions of the experts working in the field of children’s rights of the
               Ombudsman Institution, good practices and supportive and protective activities for
               migrant children of the administrations working in this field were shared with the
               working group.

               Consultation Meeting held in Gaziantep on the Protection of the Rights of the
               Child at Local Level

               The Chief Ombudsman Şeref Malkoç and the Ombudsmen Celile Özlem Tunçak,
               Arif Dülger, Saadettin Kalkan along with the experts working in the field of children’s
               rights visited Gaziantep Children’s Home, which shelters migrant children and children
               with special needs, on 12  September 2019 within the scope of the activities for the
               protection of the rights of the child at local level.

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