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Activities carried out in the field of protection of family
Family Law Workshop
The workshop on “Evaluations and Problems on Family Law Practices and Solutions”,
organised by the Directorate General for Legal Affairs under the Ministry of Justice,
was held on 02/12/2019.
Simultaneous group sessions were held during the workshop. During the group sessions,
Workshop Report on “Increasing the Effectiveness of the Mechanisms relevant to
Preventing Domestic Violence against Children and Women” and the findings and
recommendations of the Ombudsman Institution, included in the “Special Report on
Violation of Rights in Handover of Children and Alimony”, which was prepared by
the Ombudsman Institution in 2019 after the workshop on “Preventing Violation of
Rights in Handover of Children”, which was among 2018 activities, were shared with
the participants.
Working Life
The complaints lodged to the Ombudsman Institution in 2019 mainly consisted of
tenure of the workers employed under service procurement agreements made in public
institutions and organisations; labour receivables; termination of labour contracts and
appearance of this proceeding in the records of the Social Security Institutions, codes of
reasons for termination of employment and their impacts on the unemployment pay;
applications made by foreign nationals on work permit; administrative fines imposed
by the administration due to failure to report occupational accidents; appeals to the loss
of earning capacity in profession; and requests for professional competences certificates.
The applications lodged to our Institution in 2019 in the field of social security mainly
comprise following issues: incorrect transactions and procedures regarding premium
debt restructuring and payment, problems arising from the implementation of the
period of limitation in social security legislation, appeals against disability determination
procedures; failure to notify the insured or beneficiaries on the proceeding conducted
by the Social Security Institution; orphan’s pension cut off; problems encountered
during the calculation of retirement pension bonus, applications on legal modification
relevant to retirement pension bonus for those with 30 years of service and above,
aggrievements suffered due to the revocation of payments, which was identified to be
unduly paid to the insured; deficiencies in the insurance coverage of the contracted
teachers; aggrievements suffered due to faulty calculation of premium payment days;
inconsistency between the number of days according to the Social Security Institution
and the jurisprudence arising from the consolidation of the service schemes and loss
of rights arising therefrom.
3 Service consolidation under Social Security Institution refers to the calculation of the days served under
different service schemes such as 4A, SSI Premium, 4B and pension fund for the self-employed.