Page 79 - On-merged
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                 According to the response of the administration, unexpected visits were carried out to
                 inspect the factory on various dates upon applications, filter system and dust reduction
                 system in the factory were installed and operating; however, as the full combustion
                 was not achieved during maintenance works, instantaneous outbursts were detected;
                 therefore, necessary warning was given to the factory to irrigate the activity field on a
                 daily basis and run dust reduction systems actively. The administration also informed
                 that the frequency of the inspections in the subject plant would be increased.

                 About Access to Right to Education Safely and Happily
                 The child applicant stated that he was afraid of dark when he was going to school very
                 early in the morning through the long path from his house with a garden and requested
                 deployment of a ward in the early morning hours.
                 The application was concluded to be relating to the access to right of education safely
                 and happily and to the principle providing that protecting the best interest of the child
                 shall be the paramount consideration in the decisions made relevant to the provision of
                 public services; accordingly, the application was referred to the relevant administration .
                 The administration informed in its statement that the staff patrolling in the region was
                 reminded of the sensitivity of the subject, the number of the staff in front of and around
                 the school and by-streets were increased, and constant control in the area was ensured
                 in order to make children feel safe.

                 Activities for the Implementation of the “Strategy on the Rights of the Child”
                 Developed by the Ombudsman Institution

                 A meeting was held on 30/10/2019 with the participation of teachers from various
                 schools in Ankara and students being members to the ombudsman clubs from four
                 universities  in order to  carry out a needs assessment  by holding two focus  group
                 sessions separately for the development of access to the society toolkit, a component
                 under the Strategy on the Rights of the Child, which was prepared in order to adopt
                 a child-friendly approach during the examination of the applications made by children
                 on the website ( of the Ombudsman Institution developed
                 for the children within the scope of the activities carried out for the protection and
                 development of the children’s rights.

                 Consultant experts conducting the activity from UNICEFF and Ombudsman Celile
                 Özlem  TUNÇAK along with the experts working in the field of children’s rights
                 participated in the focus group meetings, organised under annual work plan of
                 UNICEFF and the Ombudsman Institution.

                 From 90 primary and secondary schools in Ankara, a total of 106 teachers from the
                 branches of social sciences, guidance, technology and design and values education

                 8  Decision of Referral dated 20/05/2019 on the application no. 2019/3389

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