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                 additional  time and  a separate  question booklet  to dyslectic students  constitutes
                 a  violation of  the  principle  of equality, the  social state principle, which obliges
                 all measures to be taken for the educational rights of the disabled, and the equal
                 opportunity principle.

                 When the arrangements included in the mentioned Manual and the practices of
                 the administrations were examined in this regard, it was understood that detailed
                 arrangements were made in the Manual in order to prevent the difficulties that
                 students with disabilities, who take the transition to higher education examination, may
                 experience in their access to the exam by treating them as a disadvantaged group. It was
                 comprehended that when disabled individuals submitted information or a document
                 that proved their situation within the principles of the prohibition of discrimination
                 and equal opportunity, with which the administration must be in compliance, various
                 foreseen measures in accordance with the type and level of disability were implemented
                 and that dyslexic students took the exam in a room individually and an exam method
                 that was exclusive for them, in which they were provided with the help of a reader and
                 marker, was implemented.

                 Therefore, as it is understood that the duty imposed on the administrations by the
                 legislation to prevent discrimination in disabled people’s access to education and to
                 take the necessary positive measures has been fulfilled by the defendant administrations;
                 accordingly, the individual proceeding, which is the matter in dispute, and the Manual
                 are not considered unlawful.

                 The principle of proportionality means that the methods and tools chosen by the
                 administration to achieve a legally-protected purpose are necessary, proportionate and
                 convenient. The principle of proportionality requires that the fair balance between the
                 interest of private persons and general public interest is maintained in the procedures
                 conducted by the administration.

                 This principle is based on:

                    •  Convenience, which is a sub-element of the principle of proportionality and
                       means that the method used to restrict the fundamental rights and freedoms is
                       “convenient” for realising the purpose;
                    •  “Necessity”, which is another sub-element of the principle of proportionality and
                       means that among the several methods to achieve a purpose, the administration
                       should choose the one that restricts the rights and freedoms of individuals the
                       least and choose the lightest measure that would negatively affect their interest;

                    •  “Proportionality”, which means to ensure that a fair balance is maintained
                       between the intervention and the intended purpose/ benefit,

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