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                 5.1 PROJECTS

                 The Ombudsman Institution attaches great importance to cooperate and collaborate
                 with its international counterparts and partners. In this regard, it implements EU and
                 internationally funded projects.
                    ➢  Twinning  Light Project  on the Empowerment of the  Role of Ombudsman
                       Institution in the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights

                 As the Beneficiary, the Ombudsman Institution had initiated “Empowerment of
                 the Role of Ombudsman Institution in the Protection and Promotion of Human
                 Rights Project” which includes Twinning Light and Technical Assistance Components
                 under the scope of IPA fund. The project activities of the twinning light component in
                 cooperation with Portuguese Ombudsman had started with the kick-off meeting held
                 on 12 November 2018 and completed on 29 June 2019.

                 Visit of Portuguese Ombudsman to Turkish Ombudsman Institution
                 (20-24 May 2019)

                                                       Prof. Dr. Maria Lúcia Amaral, the
                                                       Portuguese Ombudsman, visited Turkish
                                                       Ombudsman Institution between the
                                                       dates 20-24 May 2019. She was informed
                                                       about the activities of the Ombudsman
                                                       Institution of  Türkiye. She also attended
                                                       the joint training programme organized
                                                       for the experts within the Project.
                 Two Study Visits to Ombudsman Institution of Portugal (27 May/16 June 2019)

                 In the context of the EU funded
                 Twinning Light Project “Empowerment
                 of the Role of Ombudsman in the
                 Protection and Promotion of Human
                 Rights” in partnership with the
                 Portuguese Ombudsman and Turkish
                 Ombudsman, two different groups
                 of experts/personnel working at
                 the Ombudsman Institution  of the
                 Republic of Türkiye attended study vis-
                 its to Lisbon/Portugal, the first one on
                 27-31 May 2019 and the second one on 16-20 June 2019.

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