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funded healthcare services and criteria for the procurement of medical equipment; to
make improvements over the terms of payments of the medical equipment, devices,
apparatus and medicines, which had already been under refund system of the SSI and to
finalise the operations already launched and conducted towards these ends immediately.
Procurement of a Device for the Surgery
The applicant stated that he had been waiting for an operation more than a year due to
the malfunctioning of the fibreoptic anaesthetic apparatus and its three other backups
to be used in the surgery for hip replacement revision in Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty
Hospital, that during this period, his living comfort seriously deteriorated and the fact
that only one of the hips were revised caused risks for each prothesis (the new and old
one). The applicant informed that the surgery in question could only be performed in
Winter because of risk of infection and if this surgery was not performed in that Winter,
he would have to wait for a year more; as a result, the applicant filed an application to
our Institution to request the performance of this surgery through repairment of the
apparatus, procurement of a new one or by borrowing it from the nearest hospital.
Regarding the issue, the Ombudsman Institution requested information and documents
from the hospital. The response letter conveyed to the Institution briefly informed that
the patient was operated through performance of fibreoptic intubation with a demo
device supplied after the representatives of the company supplying the relative device
were directly contacted. The applicant later sent an-email to inform that the surgery
was successfully performed with the demo device; therefore, he forwarded his thanks
to our Institution.
Within this framework, as the administration stated that the applicant’s request was
fulfilled, Amicable Settlement Decision was issued as per Article 33 (A) of the
By-Law on the Procedures and Principles regarding the Implementation of the Law on
Ombudsman Institution.
As in all countries, transportation services remain important in our country, as well and
continue to increase their importance in line with emerging developments. In today’s
world, fast, safe, comfortable and peaceful transportation is considered as an important
indicator of development and economic power.
The information technologies and communications sector, which is also one of the
most important industries of today, causes rapid changes in the economic and social
life. Furthermore, it has been going under significant transformations. Especially with
the development of mobile communications and internet, it is seen that the networks
28 Amicable Settlement Decision dated 02/05/2019 on the application no. 2019/4554