Page 80 - 2018-yillik-raporu-ing
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independent expert, provided training programmes on Human Rights Based Approach for the
Ombudsman experts at our Institution on 29-30 January 2018.
◊ The activities within the “Support for Improvement in Governance and
Management (SIGMA)
Upon request of our Institution, a cooperation has been launched with SIGMA, which is a joint
initiative of the OECD and the EU, in order to prepare a “Guidance on Good Governance
Principles”. The aim of this activity is internalizing a “citizen friendly” understanding within
the administrative mechanism, fully ensuring the rule of law by protecting the fundamental
rights and freedoms in providing services, and using the good governance principles as a basis
in conducting works and procedures by ensuring that good governance principles are adopted
by the public actors. In this regard, João Sant’anna, the program expert of SIGMA, provided
two-day training for the experts of our Institution on 27-28 June 2018.
4.2 International Cooperation Activities
In 2018, the Ombudsman Institution has actively participated in many international activities
which include:
◊ Regional conference on “Exchange of best practices of addressing human rights
violations with a special focus on combating discrimination” for National Human
Rights Institutions of the Western Balkans and Türkiye, 15 -16 February 2018, Sarajevo,
Bosnia and Herzegovina
◊ European Network of Ombudsman (ENO) Conference, 07-09 March 2018, Brussels,
◊ Conference on “The Ombudsman as a Protector of Social, Cultural and Environmental
Rights”, 29-31 May 2018, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
◊ Annual Seminar organized by the European Commission against Racism and
Intolerance (ECRI), 24 May 2018, Strasbourg, France
◊ 15 Baku International Conference of Ombudsmen, 20-21 June 2018, Baku, Azerbaijan
◊ 3 Meeting of the Steering Committee of OIC Ombudsman Association (OICOA),
10-11 September 2018, Khartoum, Sudan
◊ ENOC 22nd Annual Conference, 19-22 September 2018, Paris, France
◊ Baku Forum on Sustainable Development, 25-26 October 2018, Baku, Azerbaijan
◊ Conference on the occasion of the 40 anniversary of the International Ombudsman
Institute (IOI), 01-03 October 2018, Brussels, Belgium
◊ Forum for Regional Ombudsmen, 19 November 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria