Page 32 - 2018-yillik-raporu-ing
P. 32
he established this foundation with the concept of “ombudsman” when he returned to his
country, and then the other European countries also established the Ombudsman Institution.
Ombudsmen are elected by the legislative branch and assigned to detect any unjust acts
caused by the administrations, to ensure that the administrations act in conformity with
the laws and good governance principles, to prevent them from abusing their discretionary
power granted by the applicable laws, and, when needed, to make recommendations to remove
any shortcomings and mistakes detected in the applicable laws for better provision of public
services. An ombudsman is an independent and impartial public official acting after receiving
a complaint from individuals who claim to have been subjected to any unjust treatment, and
no one or no authority can intervene in the acts or decisions of the Ombudsman.
The Ombudsman receives people’s complaints, and after examining these complaints, he/
she shares the results and the findings with the applicant, and with the relevant public
administrations to resolve the conflict. At this point, what is important for the Ombudsman
is to make decisions in compliance with the laws and the principle of fairness, rather than
deciding who is right or wrong. In this way, the Ombudsman ensures that the Administrations
function well, and that their acts and behaviors do not give damage to the citizens.
My areas of responsibility include “Services provided by local governments”, “Economy, Finance
and Tax”, and “Transportation, Press and Communication”. The majority of applications are
usually about “services provided by local governments”.
Creating a strong and effective communication network with the relevant Ministries, general
directorates, institutions, agencies, supreme boards, governorates, metropolitan municipalities,
municipalities as well as relevant civil society organizations, our Institution plays a significant
role in quickly and effectively resolving the conflicts between the individuals and the
To conclude, I hope that the Annual Report 2018, which includes, inter alia, complaint
applications filed to our Institution, their results, and the national and international activities
of the Institution, will raise awareness and culture among the individuals of seeking legal
remedies and will contribute to resolving the disputes between individuals and administration.
About the He was born in Ordu in 1966.
Hüseyin He graduated from the Faculty of Law at İstanbul University in
Yürük 1990.
He worked as a lawyer in the Legal Department of Istanbul Water
and Sewerage Administration (ISKI). Then he started to work as
the General Director of Bilge Consulting.