Page 48 - uluslararasi-ombudsmanlik-konferansi-eng-v6
P. 48

International Ombudsman Conference 2023

                                         > Moderator
             I n t e r n a t i o n a l   O m b u d s m a n   C o n f e r e n c e   2 0 2 3
                                        Ombudsman of Türkiye, Mr. Arif Dülger
            T h e Fu tu re  of H u m a n R ig hts in th e 21st C en tu r y

                   •   Protection of the Best Interests of the Child in Pandemic Period
                   •   Protection of Women’s Rights in Pandemic Period
                   •   Protection of the Rights of the Elderly Persons in the Pandemic Period

             Speakers of the session on Human Rights Issues during Pandemic Period

            The third session on Human Rights Issues During Pandemic Period was moderated
            by Ombudsman of Türkiye, Mr. Arif Dülger.
            Ombudsman Mr. Arif Dülger started his speech by greeting the participants of the
            conference from various parts of the world. He stated that in this session held on
            Human Rights Issues During Pandemic Period, they will especially examine the best
            interest of children, the observance of women’s rights and the rights of the elderly.
            Expressing that humanity was under an unexpected threat with the declaration of
            the Covid-19 Pandemic by the UN at the end of 2019, Ombudsman Mr. Dülger stated
            that the speakers would share their experiences in the field of human rights during
            the Pandemic.

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