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                 -     Our Recommendation on creating a new regulation that will allow the relevant
                       administration to determine the amount of the administrative fines imposed on
                       fuel stations within the framework of relative and certain limits in accordance
                       with the nature of the incident, the violation and the enterprise instead of deter-
                       mining a fixed amount for the administrative fine affects 13,000 fuel stations and
                       10,000 LPG stations in our country.
                 -     Our Recommendation on adjusting the new regulations regarding the score cal-
                       culation in the Academic Incentive Allowance Regulations in line with the prin-
                       ciple of preserving the justified expectations affects 166 thousand 225 academic
                       staff working in higher education institutions.
                 -     Our Recommendation to include the graduates of the food technology under-
                       graduate program in the list of Appendix-1 of the Law No. 5996 on Veterinary
                       Services, Plant Health, Food and Feed concerns all food technology graduates.
                 -     Our Recommendation to extend the time period for informing people about the
                       process of changing natural gas meters and to make these changes within reason-
                       able time-intervals concerns 2 million natural gas customers.
                 When the figures given above are evaluated, it is seen that millions of people have been
                 directly or indirectly affected by our aforementioned decisions. And, it is estimated that
                 tens of thousands of lawsuits were prevented as a result of the decisions and activities
                 of the Ombudsman Institution, given that 1 to 2 per thousand of these victims had the
                 potential to resort to the judiciary.
                 As a result, the contribution of the Ombudsman Institution, which carries out a wide
                 range of activities in order to receive more qualified applications and to spread the
                 culture of seeking legal remedies, is indisputable thanks to its efforts to reduce the
                 workload of the judiciary. In this context, our Institution has:

                 -     contributed to the good functioning of the administration with its recommenda-
                       tions to comply with the principles of good administration, and allowed citizens
                       to participate in the administration,
                 -     contributed to the solution of problems that concern many individuals through
                       legislative amendment,

                 -     not only solved the problem of the citizen directly in individual applications, but
                       also clarified the legal status people experiencing a similar situation,

                 -     solved the problem of the citizens and provided legal guidance to them regarding
                       the applications filed within the scope of information requests.
                 Therefore, considering the number of individuals affected by the Recommendations
                 explained with examples above, thousands of lawsuits were prevented as a result of the
                 decisions and activities of the Ombudsman Institution.

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