Page 5 - Syrians in Türkiye - Special Report
P. 5

XI. Social Assistance / 103
                                           XII. Services for Women and Children / 107
                                           XIII. Services Provided for the Disabled and Elderly / 115
                                           XIV. Religious Services / 116
                                           XV. The Turkish Red Crescent and its Services / 119
                                        CHAPTER III: FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS / 126
                                           I. Administrative and Legal Registrations / 130

                                            A. Process Management, Establishing an Integrated and
                                              Sustainable Migration and Protection Policy and Strategy / 130
                                            B. Coordination of Migration and International Protection,
                                              Improvement of Physical Infrastructure and Staff Capacity / 134
                                            C. Increasing Data Quality and Sharing in Immigration and
                                              International Protection / 137
                                            D. Evaluation of New Legal and Administrative Regulations / 138
                                           II. The Registration Process / 140
                                           III. The Language Barrier and Translation Services / 143
                                           IV. Information Activities and Legal Aid Services / 143
                                           V. Accommodation and Placement / 144
                                           VI. Security / 146

                                           VII. Healthcare Services / 149
                                           VIII. Psychosocial Support Services / 151
                                           IX. Education of Syrian Children / 153
                                           X. Right to Work and Employment / 155
                                           XI. Social Assistance / 161
                                           XII. Women and Children / 162
                                           XIII. Other  Vulnerable  Groups / 165
                                           XIV. Social Integration / 165
                                           XV. Relations with International Society / 170
                                           XVI. Communication Strategy for Turkish Society and International
                                           Society / 172
                                           XVII. Universities and Research / 173
                                            APPENDIX I: LIST OF NATIONAL LEGISLATION ON TEMPORARY
                                            PROTECTION / 174
                                            APPENDIX II: UNITS OF INSTITUTIONS AND ORGANISATIONS
                                            RESPONSIBLE FOR SERVICES AND TRANSACTIONS FOR
                                            SYRIANS UNDER TEMPORARY PROTECTION / 176
                                        BIBLIOGRAPHY /178
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