Page 44 - KDK
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Ombudsman institutions have become an integral part
of the modern model of good governance. They play an
important role in protecting and promoting human rights
and provide individuals with an avenue of complaint in case
of alleged human rights violations. The Recommendation
CM/Rec(2019)6 of the Committee of Ministers to Member
States on the development of the Ombudsman institution
sets out standards covering all the aspects of establishment
and functioning of the Ombudsman institutions.
The present publication also includes a selection of good
national practices which highlight the application of these
standards in Europe. The selected practices provide exam-
ples of how the European States implement the principles
which are vital for each ombudsman institution, including
independence; impartiality, objectivity and fairness; integ-
rity and high moral authority; a comprehensive mandate;
accessibility; and effectiveness.
The publication is intended for wide dissemination in Europe
and beyond in order to assist the States, and indeed the
Ombudsman community itself, in maximising the positive
role of the Ombudsman institutions in modern societies. PREMS 032920
The Council of Europe is the continent’s leading
human rights organisation. It comprises 47 member
states, including all members of the European
Union. All Council of Europe member states have
signed up to the European Convention on Human
Rights, a treaty designed to protect human rights,
democracy and the rule of law. The European Court
of Human Rights oversees the implementation
of the Convention in the member states.